
Training Tip Video: ‘How to make a Round Pen’

A round pen is a very useful piece of equipment. I use them for a safe place to introduce a horse to horsemanship, starting  liberty and riding techniques. They can be any size you want and I’ve found that you can ride safely in them when you are unconfident and then progress to riding the outside of the pen when you are more confident. Two  pens near each other can help create a perfect figure of 8 pattern for transitions, SLC’s and FLC’s and four in a symmetric square shape helps when learning the clover leaf pattern. They’re easy to put up or move and handy if you need a small place to graze a horse at home or when away. I’ve made many hundreds of round pens over the years and here are a couple of ways to make them easy to put up.


Picture Quote 16 – “The Connection is EVERYTHING”


Being at one with your horse is the most wonderful feeling and when it becomes instinctual you, and everyone else, won’t be able to know if your horse is following you or you are following the horse, whether online, at liberty or riding 🙂

  • Shelley – HorseSavvy

Picture Quote 15 – “Focus 100% when with your horse”


The only way to be totally and truly ‘connected’ with your horse is to be with them in the MOMENT, what I call the ‘NOW’, this is how horses are. To be in the NOW we have to focus on what we’re doing and not thinking of the future (goal oriented), the past (history) or what others may be doing (judgemental). Once we are in the ‘now’ we can work on being harmonious in own bodies so that we can be harmonious together with our horse.

  • Shelley – HorseSavvy