First ridden flag work this year, great that there was some wind to show off the flag nicely.

We then worked through trotting around the round pens, which we did a few circuits of as I wanted to end the session with her relaxed and not thinking about a canter yeehaa.
Good session finished with relaxation, focus and connection 😉
Thurs 6th
Sunshine, light breeze and mild temperature greeted me this morning…yeehaa…time for another riding session in the morning as the ground is good, (not hard, not soft) 😉
BELLA: What a lovely ride. We started off with RtR around the flat part of the field again in walk (Blue line). It was a good warm up and going up and down the small hills worked her legs nicely
We then went on to doing the large fig 8 in trot (blue line) and then for fun as she has that energy we rode a beautifully calm and controlled canter around the round pens (red line) 😉 🙂 🙂
STORMY: I wanted to do a bit more than just get his legs working SO I thought of the one thing he worries about regularly which is being ridden up the big hill. He really isn’t worried but he doesn’t do it often and also hates being away from Bella SO…..a good training point to work on I thought 😉
He often gets a bit of the way up the hill then turns sharply and canters down the hill so I wanted to change that behaviour.
First I asked him to connect to me with some pole work in the nearby arena which he did nicely. I then asked him to try to walk up the hill and I noticed that just before he worries and turns to go down the field he just tips his head a bit and that if I stopped, turned his head the other way and faced the hill fence he could stop, relax and start to think again…I also gave him a treat when he relaxed and waited with me 😉
After a few turning his head and waiting by the fence in a nice halt with a treat he decided that it was okay to walk up the hill along the fence line, turn at the gateway, relax, then walk back down the hill. Dearest Bella whinneyed for him when we went out of sight and I called back to her while Stormy was ok knowing she was asking for him. He quietly walked back down the hill and when back with Bella I ended the session. I will try to continue this training (weather permitting) so that he can do the hill without baulking 😉
< Waiting by the fence while tackling the hill ride 😉
Fri 7th
So this morning is sunshine and blue skies with some heat in the sun. Time to get out and continue with the consistency of riding Bella and Stormy.
1) Stormy came over first so I groomed him (huge amounts of fur coming out in his Spring moult) and saddled up to ride.
Being consistent is good but Storm also needs variety. He’s a pretty clever horse and will know exactly what we’ll be doing from where I ride him in the field so I have to slightly outsmart him today. Firstly I do the same ride by going and doing some pole work to get him connected, focused and listening to me.
When we go towards the hill I want to ride he has obviously been thinking all night long on the fact he gets a treat when relaxed facing the fence line and instead of baulking he puts himself on the fence line and won’t move thinking he’ll get the treat. He is just too smart a boy isn’t he 😉 LOL.
So, to change this behaviour, as soon as he puts himself at the fence I carry on his turn and ask for a DHQ thereby pivoting him back to the line of walking up the hill 😉 I only had to do it twice and he decided walking up the hill was the way to go and he did it really nicely. Then when we got through the track fence line gate he assumed to go down the hill on the other side of the fence SO to change that thought before it became a habit I turned him 180* and asked him to walk down the hill the way we came up. He’s just one clever boy and loves using his brain so my job was to allow him the thought that he was smart but to outsmart him so that he thinks I’m clever than him and a good leader 😉
Lovely ride on Storm, quicker, easier with some mind games that worked well for us.
<<< Me and Storm
Storm at the top of the hill ride (doesn’t look much of a hill but believe me it is), nice and calm and looking for Bella >>>
2) Bella came and caught me after I brought Stormy back from his ride so I groomed her and saddled up ready to ride.
We did the walk (blue line) RtR anti-clockwise today which doesn’t seem a big thing but it really can be for a horse. She did it beautifully and we were both calm, focused and connected the whole way around.
We then did a really lovely big trot around the flat field (yellow line) with few corrections which was lovely. When it came to the round pen canter (red line) she was a bit reluctant to canter so I took what she offered and left it on a good note. She could be telling me she’s tired, sore or just not up for it so I have to trust her as I know she’s not a low energy horse.
Always have to listen to what the horse is saying on a second by second moment as being a partner means trusting and having a say…the horse and rider…both sides of the conversation are important and conversations involve 2 or more voices 😉
- Shelley – HorseSavvy.co.uk