Bella’s Lesson 7 Video

Here is our latest Lesson Video. We have moved on from the basic Horsemanship moves and starting to put things together more now so our play sessions are more fluid and fun. Bella is learning quickly and has shown a real talent for understanding body language and cues and we’ve gone from walk into trot and starting off canter work too now. I’m very impressed with her and with the knowledge she has now we will progress it more and I’ll put more lessons up as she accomplishes more in her training 🙂



  • Shelley – HorseSavvy



Bella’s Lesson – Pedestal

Working on all 4 feet on the pedestal with Bella. She has 2 feet easily now and so now I have given her the challenge to bring all four feet up. I am helping her with this but she is slowly figuring it all out in her mind. One day, I know, she will do it on her own, it’s just a matter of time and if she wants to 🙂

Session 1 – Online


Session 2 much later on – At Liberty


  • Shelley – HorseSavvy



Bella’s Lesson 6 Video

We’ve been doing really nice ground work and getting better with our riding so today, as we’re moving along, I wanted to make sure we had a ‘sidle to th the mounting block’ as if she moves I have no way of getting her back to the block without getting off the block and squaring her up again. I didn’t want to do it before as I wanted to get our connection and partnership better. SO, here is the lesson video of ‘sidle up to the mounting block’ 🙂



  • Shelley – HorseSavvy