Training Tip – Pole fun

This is Stormy and me having fun with just one obstacle. I love to try to think of as many things as I can with just one thing and it gives us the opportunity to test that we have communication to each individual foot. Stormy loves brain teasers so this was good for him too.

  • Shelley – HorseSavvy


Spirit – Training Video 7

Spirit and I have been getting our online communication better and better by working on the 3F basics (Familiarisation, Feel, Focus techniques of HorseSavvy) for 3 1/2 months he’s been with us now. I love it when the ABC’s we started with become more sentences and then paragraphs of connection through communication. Today we started getting more of that connection by using the 3F techniques with more fluidity and using obstacles which helps in using  the ‘games’ for a  ‘purpose’.



  • Shelley – HorseSavvy


Training Tip Video’s: “Imagination”

Putting a few regular tasks together makes up a much more imaginative days play and helps keep things progressive and fun.

Games used are: Circling, transitions, narrow corridor/squeeze, fig 8’s done with Relaxation, Willingness, Impulsion and Flexibility.


Using some IMAGINATION with fig 8’s and a jump. IMAGINATION is the key to having a good time with games and keeping it fun for you and your horse 

  • Shelley – HorseSavvy