Bella & Stormy – September 2024

Tues 3rd

Well, what a GREAT way to start September. Good weather (we like it cooler) and an afternoon exercise session that Mark came along to see our progress 😉


One handed, loose rein, walking warm up where we both settle in to our semi-circle pattern along the whole field.




One handed to two handed, loose rein to contact rein, trotting to help us find our balance, flexibility, energy and focus.



….and then onto CANTER. Very in-sync today and through our balance and raised inside rein we do SLC’s (Simple lead changes) all along the field. FABULOUS 🙂 all our practise and work going exactly where I wanted it to go 🙂 I LOVE it when a PLAN comes TOGETHER 🙂






  1. Circle to right, correct right canter leg lead.    2. Circle to the left, correct left canter leg lead.    4. Circle to the right again, correct right canter leg lead.


SLC’s are where we do a half circle to the right on the correct canter lead, come down to a trot or walk for a few strides and then do a half circle to the left with the correct canter lead. We managed to do 4 down one way and then 4.5 going back down the other way 😉

I use these 5 circle patterns in the field to do large semi-circular weave’s up and down the field.






A kiss for the bestest girlie in the world

Me and S&B (Stormy spent the time munching grass in the field while Bella and I did our exercise)




Thurs 5th

Bella and I have got on really well with our canter circles, curved weaves and simple lead changes over the last few weeks so to keep things fresh we will now give that a rest and I will put the agility obstacles out in the big field so we can work on having fun with our walk, trot and canter transitions 😉 Always working on making training fun by mixing things up so that the curiosity, communication, confidence and connection keeps growing for that special partnership 🙂

SO…today, to change the pattern (make a habit, break a habit, make a new habit) I took S&B out for a walk in the field next to ours, they’ve not been in this field for quite a while as it usually has cattle or sheep in it but there’s been nothing for a while now, and no shooting yet either. They LOVED it, lots of lush grass and stretched their legs well too, mine too 😉 Keepin’ it FRESH 🙂
















Sat 7th


Early morning ride today as it’s stonkingly hot up here at the moment….

We did some walk passenger lesson where Bella wandered about where she wanted and then I asked her to walk around the field a bit,

worked on some nice turns using weight, focus and less and less rein 😉






Then we did some trot clover leaf pattern which we’ve not done for quite a while but she remembered it well and kept in trot most of the time around each full pattern (going left around all 4 to start with a grazing break and then around to the right all 4) 🙂


Lovely nice ride today, pretty smooth, canter easy to move into and so balanced and light now 😉






Weds 11TH

Just to show that even with well trained horses sometimes circumstances say get off and try again another day. Today was that day.


I rode Storm for about 10 mins but something was getting him worried, the high wind, the farmer shouting at his dogs and sheep running about in a nearby field or something I just couldn’t see, hear or smell….SO…I got off. I used the opportunity to play a bit with the agility obstacles I’d put out in the field yesterday but he was very distracted.
Afterwards I also tried to play with Bella but she was very much on her toes, pushing into me a bit, not wanting to go in certain areas so I decided to just put her back on the grazing track. I actually only just about managed to get her through the gateway and back on the track and her headcollar off before she galloped to Storms side. She was very high headed, snorting and upset about something. I wonder if the gamekeeper has begun shooting or just driving about in his vehicle, which the horses don’t like 🙁
SO…. sometimes it’s best to call it a day and try again another day rather than an accident happening.
Storm does look rather gorgeous with his head up high and looking around BUT he could only just concentrate on what I was asking and that doesn’t bode well for a happy play or ride so just happy to take some pictures before taking him back to the grazing 😉
Thurs 12th
I’m away working this weekend
 so bringing S&B back home makes it a bit easier for Mark to look after them and it’s also a good change for them BUT after yesterday I was sceptical if we were going to be able to get them home….well, the fabulous song ‘what a difference a day makes’ keeps singing in my mind as although the wind was still gusting a bit both S&B were great. Easy, calm ride home and as I said yesterday, there’s always another day and this proves it 😉
, Just love this pic……Mark only has Stormy on a lead, Bella is just walking with him at liberty as if she’s haltered <3
Mark and Stormy riding their way out of the field…I walked Bella to just make sure she was feeling good about leaving the field and rideable.

And both mounted and off on the hack home 😉 It’s been a while but it’s a lovely day for it and both S&B are relaxed, happy and munching their way down the track 😉


Storm and Bella took it in turns to lead which was lovely.



Both of them loving the change in munchies….both took some leaves, heather and soft rushes along the way


















And home….what a lovely way to spend a few hours 🙂







Tues 17th

Back home and ride S&B back to their big field with Mark 😉























Stormy having a well deserved roll after his ride 😉





Thu 19th

Started off ride with Bella with some warming up exercises and enjoying the sunshine and the shadow following us about 😉









THEN…we went and familiarised ourselves with where all the agility obstacles are and play with them a wee bit.



2 different narrow gaps, one straight and one in a corner.

Also the tarp set up.







Hula hoop, 6 cones for walk, trot and hopefully canter weaves.

Post with rope to do rope circles with and drain for sidepassing over.







Lovely shadows of me and Bella.

Narrow gap with poles and also tyres…..nice halts between both.



Lovely to see Stormy waiting for us when we were riding

and Bella gets a wee bit of grazing for her effort today.



Sun 22nd

I forgot my phone this morning so no riding pics or Equilab stats today BUT rode both B&S for fun using the agility obstacles as we went around the field 😉



Gorgeous Bella ready to ride








Handsome Mr Stormy ready to rock’n’roll too <3







Wed 25th



Keeping the home fires going and looking after S&B and walking Beau on own at the moment as Mark is in hospital after his first knee replacement surgery.

He’ll be home in a few days hopefully but I will continue with everything until he’s fit to start helping out again.




  • Shelley – HorseSavvy