Today I decided to do the horses morning routine and then saddle them both and ride Stormy and lead Bella back to the house.
This is a great way of taking our training outside the field, give S&B a change of environment and also give Mark a hack on Stormy ๐
S&B ready to rock’n’roll.
Grazing along the route back to home.
Home with Mark waiting for us ๐ He’s just walked the dog and is ready to ride back to the field as soon as I arrive ๐
Ride back home not bad at all, lots of snatching for grass and we managed to stay calm while a super fast, noisy, low flying jet went overhead ๐ ๐ phew……Bella a bit upset but she listened to me and we stayed calm and relaxed and she got some grazing as a reward.
Keeping them off the grass more we then allow them to munch on the thistles they love…me and Mark on S&B, side by side looking at the scenery is one of my favourite things to do on a hack ๐
Mark looking peaceful and happy while Storm munches away. They were a little behind me and Bella so I took the opportunity to turn left onto this wee bit of open field and had a nice trot then a lovely couple of canters before re-joining M&S on the track ๐ I LOVE that me and B can do this spontaneously now ๐
Nearly home and then through gateway and we’re there ๐
Rode them down the field hill and straight to their water trough where they both had a wee drink.
Bella checked in with Mark <3
Sun 4th
Fab breezy cool morning this morning so Bella and I had a lovely agility play session.
It’s been a while since play so it was a good thing to change our morning riding pattern.
We started with the hulahoop, archway, curtain and flag….
….then we played with extreme familiarisation (motion, energy, noise and touch) with a hand held flag all around her…she just carried on munching grass ๐
Then some bottles underfoot (trot and then canter…whoop whoop) and sidepassing over the drainpips.
Some fun also with a narrow bunting lane and circles in trot.
I then used a jump wing to mount and did the whole agility in walk and trot.
Finally we did some ridden walk and trot flag familiarisation which we’ve not done for a while ๐
Bella was a super star and I think she enjoyed the change in training today
Last part of the morning was with S&B playing around with our tyre pedestals, grooming each other and finally I took Stormy into the big field to munch on thistles (his reward as Bella had a ton of grazing while playing today)
Sat 10th
Well it’s been 6 days since riding due to weather and also a trip up to Aboyne to visit the World Horse Welfare where me, Mark and Beau had a lovely lunch but also we took/donated all our old 6’6″ rugs from horses who have passed over (Tara, Solly, Holly). They always appreciate donations of equipment of ยฃยฃ and the equipment they get is either used for the horses they save (especially rugs) or they clean them and sell them to the public for much cheaper than new so they get ยฃยฃ either way ๐ It always feels good to donate to a charity that’s close to the heart <3
SO….today, the weather has been grey days, on/off drizzle or rain with splashes of hot sunshine so just managing to take the opportunities to play or ride when I can ๐ Today was that day. They both came back to being ridden as if we’d just ridden yesterday, which is always a joy but because it’s been nearly a week we took it easy and just asked for stretching of legs, length of strides etc.
Nice and easy with Stormy today, he was a bit slow to start but ended well and managed some nice trot but we always just try to stretch in walk with him as he is 21yrs old now and not a spring chicken ๐ lol
Bella had a wee play before we rode and then she did very nicely, stretching out in walk as we went, smoothly transitioning into trot for a long stretch and finished with some nice balanced canter around the round pens.
Wasn’t long but was perfect to re-connect to my beauty <3
I leave them in the shade of their shelter as the sun starts to heat up.
Mon 13th
Yesterday was a wash out as the rain was torrential with thunder (no lightning) and I had a ‘sofa day’.
Today I knew it was going to be drizzly – rain SO up and out to get a short ride on Bella ๐
Bella did fabulous bullseye into leg yields (turning in to a small circle then forwards and sideways making circle bigger)
Also trot weave on a loose rein to check our balance.
I then asked her to trot the round pens keeping a good strong rhythm but asking to stretch her legs which she did nicely.
Wed 14th
Today we started teaching something new….’3 gaits in each gait’.
We start with her normal walk (or trot later) and that is our standard ‘medium’ walk.
I then lower my energy and breathing, get my butterfly to become smaller and toward the centre of my core while pulsing slower with it’s wings. I put in a small half halt on one rein and see if we can get our slow walk. I then release the hold on the reins and allow medium walk again as a reward. I practise this off/on for a full walk around the field.
To find our fast walk I ask my energy to think bigger, bring my core butterfly to increase in size and pulse more. I then give a verbal ‘kiss’ cue and then touch her sides with one heel then the other and wait. If it works then I leave it and allow my hips and shoulders to move faster with her, if it didn’t work then I repeat all the steps and try to get that deeper connection we need for this training.
SO….slow walk/trot is slower than the normal walk/trot. The normal walk/trot is our medium gait and going a bit faster is our fast walk/trot.
We’ll work on our rhythm as each of the three speeds in each gait should have the same rhythm but I’m not worried about that now, that is for us to progress into later on.
Bella tried hard, she was a bit confused to start with but after a bit of experimenting with cues she was more comfortable and we ended on a very good note.
Something to be working on but not fixated on so it continues to be fun and not a choreย
While Bella and I were starting our s/m/f walk/trot dear Stormy was taking a wee nap in the shelter ๐ ๐ : )
Fri 16th
This morning’s rides were all about circles….
Walk 5 circles to warm up. Trot 5 circles to stretch out. Try some canter half circles to see how she does without the roundpens to support the angles.
Just allowing him to walk at his own pace around the circles, ask for a bit of trot but allowing him to walk if/when he wants. He was a bit stiff and slow today so just exercising to keep his muscles and joints working at a slightly faster pace than his grazing
Mon 19th
A nice, early, quick, morning exercise for me and Bella today.
Circles again, trying to make them better, easier transitions and smoother.
We did well today….12 mins 51 secs / 1.2 km / 922 strides / 38 transitions ๐
Happy Bella munching on some grass after her exercise this morning and then both S&B on a strip of new grazing on the track. It seems that Autumn has come here early (or partially early)ย and grass is slowing down it’s growth rate SO a wee bit more grazing on the track is much appreciated by them both ๐
The BEST way of knowing if S&B are loosing or putting on weight is firstly to tape weigh them. Equine tapes for weighing are easy to buy but we had to search high and low to find one for big drafty’s…we have one now and it works well, not 100% accurate but it gives an indication of gains or losses with their weight and I try to tape them every 2 weeks around lunch time and keep a record of it.
The other way I check their weight and fitness is to stand behind them. If their bellies can be seen either side of their flanks then they’re too big.
Today’s pic’s show both S&B are fit and healthy big beasties <3 <3 <3
Weds 28th
Been 9 days since I last rode Bella but got back on her today as if it was yesterday we rode, she’s just a smashing horse ๐
We start off with some loose rein riding: Riding the Rail in walk both ways to warm up and stretch
some muscles.
Then we go into trot and do a large fig 8 pattern around the field, Bella put in a really nice canter at the end too ๐
Really lovely 20 min ride to sweep some cobwebs away, reconnect and have a bit of fun.
Fri 30th
Well gosh-a-roonie, it’s nearly September and Autumn is upon us. WOW. I hope you’ve all had a good Summer with your horses (albeit, like us you may have had storms, high winds and plenty of rain! ๐ ) Here’s to a good Autumn with nice breezes that take away the flies, dry days that allow us daily riding adventures and good health for us and our equines so going into Winter is an easy transition ๐
Today….well I rode both S&B this morning. Starting with Stormy….
We did a nice 18 min ride working mostly in walk but it was a good medium walk with a purpose.
A couple of trots around arc’s as we did a very large weave/circle game.
He was more willing that the last time we rode out, he wasn’t so stiff and he didn’t grab at grass so much ๐ ๐
I enjoyed our ride out a lot today ๐
Me and my gorgeous big boy ๐
Standing perfectly at the mounting block for me
Eating some grass I rewarded him with he looked lovingly at Bella ๐
After our ride I took him down the track to take his tack off and he walked beautifully beside the quad bike as I drove ๐
Today Bella & I had a nice ride today too. A round of walk weave/circles to warm up and then two rounds of trotting weave/circles.
She was light and well balanced in the gaits, listening nicely to my cues and eager to please.
Ready to ride, Stormy, already having been ridden, happy to rest near the shelter for our return ๐
Riding one handed turns….cues for turning are my focus so turning towards the way I want to go by looking with my eyes, inside shoulder back, belly button looking in right direction (all helping to put my weight in the saddle in the right place) then some light pressure along my outside leg, keeping my inside leg firm on the inside of Bella’s side. IF my focus cues and legs don’t make an impression then I’ll lightly, and quickly, use an inside rein upwards then release and repeat all the above as much as needed. Usually turning just requires me to look, bend my body where I want us to go and get my weight in the saddle right
Bella’s gorgeous face from the saddle…I love this big girlie so much <3
Bella grabbing some thistles as her reward for being a super star ๐
S&B given a new strip of grazing today ๐ ๐ ๐
Sat 31st
A little bit of liberty fun today with a new agility obstacle
I’ve had this ‘exercise’ mat gathering dust in the house for a few years so decided to put it to good use today….both S&B had fun with it and showed their ‘curiosity, confidence and connection’
Bella showing huge amounts of curiosity towards the mat
Both S&B put a foot on it together…I’m using +R (positive reinforcement) in their training regularly now, especially with new things. The reinforcement with treats (done properly and not as a bribe) is very powerful and they learn quickly without negativity ๐
Bella then put both front feet on the mat while Stormy watched.
THEN Bella put all 4 feet on the mat which is not only hugely clever but hard as she only just fit on it.
Both S&B put their front feet on it together which was fabulous ๐
Then I fold the mat once to make one bit higher, one bit lower….
Bella put front feet on the mat, one foot on the high bit, one foot on the short bit…
while Storm put one foot on the lower mat to prove he can do it too ๐
THEN I fold the mat up so it’s smaller and 3 times higher…Bella tests it with one front foot first.
I ask her to try both front feet and she did it very well….Stormy then did it too ๐ <3 ๐
I can take this mat out to students now S&B have tested it for me ๐