Bella & Stormy – February 2025

Fri 7th Feb

Managed to do a short walk session with Bella this morning….I had my bareback pad, rope bridle and riding hat ready and we enjoyed a nice ride together 😉


















Thu 13th


It’s been very cold here recently and I’ve not ridden (or done much at all) with Bella for a week or Stormy for two weeks.

Today it was less chilly and I did their breakfast routine. They both checked in on me often asking for some treats but also some interaction SO I thought it would be a good day to ride them, first Bella, then Stormy 😉

Bella’s ride was with lots of circles, fig 8’s and brain games to give her some mental challenges. She did very well and it was a good ride.














Storm’s ride was more about stretching his legs, asking for some bigger strides with a bit more energy. He did very well and seemed to enjoy the interaction.

I also groomed him and although only February he is moulting…big time. I came back home covered in white hair!! LOL

I’d also forgotten his bridle (at home having just been cleaned) so I used Bella’s burgundy one…that now is also covered in white hair. lol. lol 😉














S&B eating their hay this morning 😉







Weds 19th

Just managed a short ride on Bella this morning with a bareback pad and rope bridle. Always nice to have a wee ride, it brings the smile back to my face after days of being cooped up in the house during winter.


You can see the snow cloud coming in on this pic…..








Sat 22nd 

Lots of on/off snow then on/off drizzle and also a day of torrential rain so not much opportunity to get out and ride

Recently I got a long ‘stockman’s’ coat which is great when riding in the rain as it can keep all of me, right down to my boots, and also the saddle dry. I don’t often ride in the rain, much more of a fair weather rider nowadays BUT this coat can be very useful for days which have on/off showers…like today. I’ve not ridden Bella with a long coat, they can flap about, be weird to see from her point of view too as they’re long down my legs….this is why I do flag and riding with a flag work 😉 SO, today was a good day to take this flag familiarisation into ‘coat familiarisation’.

Started with the coat tied on her saddle and proceeded with some walk circles around me. I then opened up the coat so it went over the saddle and her rump and did the same circling exercises in walk and then in trot.





I then took the familiarisation to riding her in the coat. I made sure the leg straps were on, this helps stop the coat from flapping as it was a bit windy. We did walk and then some trot work too and she did really well. It did drizzle a bit so was really glad I was wearing the coat.









When I dismounted I placed the coat back onto the saddle to save it getting wet 😉 🙂 🙂  Mission accomplished 😉 🙂 🙂







Mon 24th


Today, again, we have on/off showers and with the ground so wet from yesterday I knew it wasn’t going to be a riding day BUT as I was cleaning the field this morning Bella kept coming up and wanting to interact with me…SO….I did. We did a wee bareback/bridleless session 😉


Lovely S&B eating breakfast with Rainbow 🙂





< Beautifully sidled up to the quad bike for me 😉


Neck rope in place ready to mount and ride >




Short bareback/bridleless session this morning (again between rain showers!)
Bella sidled up to the quad bike on her right, then on her left and I jumped on.
1) She backed up then went forward.
2) Backed up then DHQ.
3) She backed up around the back of the bike.
4) She did a right turn and forward to the other side of the bike.
It’s not a lot but it’s not about that, it’s about the partnership between us, how my signals are understood, how I change and adapt signals if something not working. It’s also about just learning to trust each other and growing the moves we do slowly but surely remembering that if things don’t go how I thought then to end on a good note and try again later after putting better cues down.




Thu 27th

Well…the sun is shining today, blue skies AND Mark came and rode with me for the first time this year 😉 🙂 🙂 What a lovely day 🙂 🙂 🙂






Nice energetic walk. She had a ‘Spring is here’ yeehaa moment. Both S&B were playing this morning too, kicking up their heels and racing about 😉 love to see their energy.






Energetic big trot today. She was feeding off Storm’s energy but listened to me which was great.







Energy and focus by the end 😉 It’s so different riding with another horse/human than on our own. Storm really REALLY enjoyed having Mark riding him again 🙂






Showing off with all 4 feet on the pedestal 😉 So easy to see how much Stormy loves Mark riding him 😉







Sidepassing is Stormy’s favourite thing (after eating and rolling). Lovely day weather wise and riding wise 🙂 🙂


Fri 28th



Well, today is Mark and my 28th wedding anniversary and dinner out tonight will be a lovely treat.

This morning I do the horses and ride Bella in some cold sunshine and blue skies 😉 What a pleasure to be owned by two of the most fabulous horses 😉






Just walk, as the ground is hard with frost from the night, and also hard so could be slippery. Walk is good and the game we played today is RtR (Ride the Rail) or today I called it ‘checking the fences’.

This is a great game as it helps with many things such as:

1. Allowing Bella to find the straight line as we go around….replacing her her when she comes off but allowing the mistake so she can learn more about straightness in her mind and body.

2. It allows me to have a good focus and not micromanage the reins.

3. This focus allows me to not worry about where we go, it’s just following any fence without a thought.



4. We start to partner up where we are going.

5. We actually check the fences and I get to know where mending is necessary.

6. Having a ‘job’ to do gives us a purpose, a focus, a plan and goal 😉 This helps to not just wander about where Bella may wonder what’s the point or get bored.






Bella and her shadow for company this morning is pure pleasure. I am blessed 😉







  • Shelley –