This is one of the first lessons on trying to really Connect to Bella at Liberty. It’s so worth taking some quite time out to let a horse smell you, figure you out a bit and to hang together finding friendship. I also want to see her become more curious about everything as this will help her bravery…So, here is our Undemanding Time session with the beginnings of some Mirroring and Stick 2 me at Liberty…..
After working a bit on Undemanding Time, Mirroring and Liberty the other day I did a small, calm session online and then back to Liberty.
Things I learned:
- Bella’a Liberty and Connection are better once we’ve done a bit of online connection first
- She is food orientated so treat training works for her
- Because she’s food orientated I need to train a cue then get off the treats quickly and reward her for new things, relaxation, clarity and not all the time or she gets TOO focused on the treats and she needs to start learning to focus on the ‘click’
Good session and hopefully when the weather starts to clear again we can do another session of UT, M & OL-L 

- Shelley – HorseSavvy